8 -12 hours total study time per week, depending on the amount of revision required
Semester 1 & 2
Two written assignments, each worth 35% and submission of selected practical written exercises from modules, worth 30%.
Wackerly DD, Mendenhall W, Scheaffer RL. Mathematical Statistics with Applications, 7th edition, 2007, Wadsworth Publishing (ex Duxbury Press, USA)
Healy, MJR. Matrices for Statistics, 2nd edition. Oxford University Press, 2000
This unit covers the foundational mathematical methods and probability distribution concepts necessary for an in depth understanding of biostatistical methods. The unit commences with an introduction to mathematical expressions, followed by the fundamental calculus techniques of differentiation and integration, and essential elements of matrix algebra. The concepts and rules of probability are then introduced, followed by the application of the calculus methods covered earlier in the unit to calculate fundamental quantities of probability distributions, such as mean and variance. Random variables, their meaning and use in biostatistical applications is presented, together with the role of numerical simulation as a tool to demonstrate the properties of random variables.
Course notes, online mini-lecture videos, online tutorials, discussion board.