The Graduate Diploma consists of 8 units of study. The BCA program was designed to be done part-time. At two units per semester, the Graduate Diploma can be completed in two years.
Compulsory units for the Graduate Diploma include: Epidemiology, Mathematical Foundations for Biostatistics, Data Management and Statistical Computing, Principles of Statistical Inference, Regression Modelling for Biostatistics 1 and Regression Modelling for Biostatistics 2. Some students may substitute electives for units of study such as Epidemiology, Mathematical Foundations for Biostatistics, or Principles of Statistical Inference, if they have equivalent prior study.
Students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma program can complete one elective unit from outside of the pool of BCA electives. These electives can be chosen from the list of endorsed courses/programs at their home university.
The Biostatistics Research/Practical Project/Thesis (WPP) is not a requirement.
On completion of the Graduate Diploma, graduates will have attained the required skills for employment as a biostatistician.
On completion of this course, students will: