Students who have successfully completed their Masters, Diploma or Certificate in biostatistics will graduate from their home university. Graduates receive official acknowledgement of their academic award from this university, ie the university in which they were enrolled and where their academic transcript is recorded.
The BCA (represented by all consortium universities collectively) is proud of the achievements of its graduates and acknowledges this by giving a certificate and a letter of congratulations from the BCA Steering Committee to students who have received a Graduate Diploma or Masters degree.
Star Graduates will receive additional acknowledgment in the letter and certificate. A Star Graduate is a graduate from the Masters degree who has achieved an overall average of at least 85%, with no more than one unit of study less than 85%. Star grad status is based on first 10 units if doing 2 WPPS and first 11 if one WPP.
Graduate Statistician status: The BCA program is accredited by the Statistical Society of Australia. Students who graduate from the program with a Masters or Graduate Diploma will, on joining the Statistical Society of Australia, be eligible to apply for accreditation as a Graduate Statistician. Details of the process can be found on the SSA website. The application form can be found here.